Health Education England: Healthy Futures Network Wellbeing Workshop
An opportunity from Health Education England for Head Teachers, teachers and other staff from within primary, secondary and special education to hear about projects, programmes and interventions known to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for students in schools across the North West.
Throughout the afternoon, delegates will attend a series of network tables, facilitated by a leading practitioner from within a current, successful and evidence-based project.
Wednesday 28th June 2017
Afternoon session 1pm-3pm or twilight session 4pm-6pm
University of Chester, Warrington Campus,
Crab Lane, Warrington, WA2 0DB
Confirmed Network Tables:
• Mental Health First Aid (Christine Clark from MHFA Merseyside will introduce delegates to this fantastic programme for schools across all sectors of education)
• Physical Literacy (Bertie Ridway from Deyes High School, Maghull will explain how working with the International Physical Literacy Association has benefitted students at the school)
• Votes 4 Schools (Sally Lawson-Ritchie and Kate Harris from Votes 4 Schools will explain how their programme improves PSHE and SMSC outcomes whilst promoting British Values, Citizenship and Democracy)
• Maths of The Day (Jon Smedley, Founder of Maths of the Day will explain how students across the country are more effectively engaged in mathematics by making lessons physically active)
• My Personal Best (Anthony Judge, Regional Development Manager for the Youth Sport Trust will explain how a focus on life and employability skills is raising the profile of physical education in schools across the country)
• Step Into the NHS (Claire Tinsley from Health Education England will describe the many benefits schools and students can receive through closer links with the UK’s biggest employer)
• Fit to Succeed (Helen Cairns from Bishop’s Bluecoat High School, Chester will describe the multiple positive effects of regular, holistic health and wellbeing measurement through promoting student voice)
• Youth Connect 5 (Tony Niemen from Merseyside Youth Association and representatives from Bebington High Sports College will explain how through YC5, the mental health, emotional wellbeing and resilience of young people is being improved through parental engagement and education)
• The Healthy Futures Network (There will be an opportunity for schools and individuals to join the network to ensure maximum future engagement across the region and the development of a leading ‘community of practice’)
• ‘CHAMP’ (Sarah Vince-Cain from Manchester’s pioneering Children’s Health and Measurement Programme will describe the successes to date of their unique approach to the National Child Measurement Programme [NCMP])
• Change 4 Life (Dianne Murphy from the St. Helen’s School Games Programme will describe how engaging with Higher Education has led to a highly successful programme of healthy living clubs in the borough’s schools)
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