Big Bang North West 2017: Award Sponsor – Liverpool City Region Apprenticeship Hub
WOW! What a unbelievable day it was at The Big Bang North West. Along with the experiments and exhibits, we had so many aspiring attendees looking for career pathways – they headed straight for the Liverpool City Region Apprenticeship Hub!
“The Big Bang North West was amazing, such an inspiring and imaginative event for young people. We were able to speak to lots of young people about their career choices and promote Apprenticeships as a strong and viable career option.”
Debi Shackley – Liverpool City Region Apprenticeship Hub
Liverpool City Region Apprenticeship Hub sponsored the Award for Endeavour as part of the Big Bang UK Young Scientists & Engineers Competition at the Big Bang North West 2017! Liverpool City Region Apprenticeship Hub are ESF funded, enabling them to sponsor this award.
“STEM is not just about the spark of inspiration, it’s not just for lone geniuses. For every apple that falls on someone’s head there’s hours of lab work to do. For every idea that turns into the breakthrough, there’s millions that lead to a dead end. Science doesn’t ever work right first time, it needs people who keep getting up and trying again.”
We couldn’t have said it better ourselves!
A HUGE thank you to Liverpool City Region Apprenticeship Hub for their support.
The Hub, on behalf of the LCR Combined Authority, acts as an impartial and strategic body to increase the number, level and quality of Apprenticeship & Traineeship opportunities for residents within the Liverpool City Region.
The Liverpool City Region (LCR) Apprenticeship Hub is a collaborative group, responsible to the LCR Employment and Skills Board. The Hub aims to increase the awareness of, the number of and the quality of apprenticeships available to residents of the region by supporting and co-ordinating apprenticeship activities to make Apprenticeships Work for businesses and young people.
The Hub is responsible for identifying and agreeing the Apprenticeship strategy for the Liverpool City Region and driving forward the successfully implementation of an Apprenticeship Growth Plan.
“By 2020, we would like learners, parents and employers to view Apprenticeships & Traineeships as a high quality learning and skills option that has currency in the labour market, which will help deliver personal and economic success.
Visit their website
Hub Newsletters
Hub Strategy Summary
The Big Bang North West 2017: A STEM-sational Success with Schools!
Headline Sponsor: AstraZeneca Inspire All at The Big Bang North West
Official Gallery: The Big Bang North West 2017
Go Virtual with The Big Bang North West!
The Big Bang North West 2017: Your Amazing Feedback
The Big Bang UK Competition: Finalists & Award Winners!
Big Bang North West 2017: A Teacher’s View
Gallery: The Big Bang North West 2017 – Live on Twitter
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Images © All About STEM / Big Bang North West – Photographer: Gareth Jones
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