Funding to run CREST Awards with underrepresented audiences
The next application deadline to apply for this funding is Friday 20th October 2017 at 6pm. More information or apply online.
If registration and support costs are a barrier to running CREST, grants of up to £600 are now available to support and enable schools and organisations to run CREST Awards with young people underrepresented in STEM.
Our recent research into the impact of CREST Silver shows the benefits of CREST are even more significant for disadvantaged students:
- CREST Silver students eligible for free school meals saw an increase in their best science GCSE score (two thirds of a grade) compared to a matched control group
- Students who were eligible for free school meals and took part in a CREST Silver Award were 38% more likely to take a STEM subject at AS Level than the matched control group.
Preference will be given to schools that can be described as one or more of the following:
- In England, you have 35% of pupils, or above, that are eligible for pupil premium according to the 2016-17 figures
- In Wales, you have 35% of pupils, or above, eligible for free school meals according to the Welsh Pupil Deprivation Grant school allocations 2016-17
- In Scotland, you are in an area in the top 25% most deprived according to the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation
- In Northern Ireland, you are in an area in the top 25% most deprived according to the Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measures
- Your school has a high proportion of pupils (over 30%) who are from black or minority ethnic backgrounds
- You are a small school based in a remote and rural location (settlement of less than 10,000 people with a drive time of over 30 minutes to a settlement of 10,000 or more)
Need to know more? All About STEM are here to help!
All About STEM announced as North West Regional CREST Support Organisation
British Science Week funding
Applications for British Science Week ‘Kick Start Grants’ 2018 will open in late September 2017.
This scheme offers grants for schools in challenging circumstances to organise their own events as part of British Science Week, including CREST Award related activities. There are two options available:
- Kick Start grant: A grant of up to £300 for your school to run an activity
- Kick Start More grant: A grant of up to £700 for your school to host a science event or activity which involves your students and the local community
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