Metro Mayor joins 1000 students at first ever Liverpool City Region Health Skills Show!
On the 28th of November 2017, the first ever Liverpool City Region Health Skills Show took place, sponsored by The Apprenticeship Hub & Shaping Futures and delivered in partnership with Merseyside Health Sector Career and Engagement Hub.
Co-ordinated by Baltic Triangle-based business All About STEM Events , the event brought together a range of exhibitors and approximately 1000 students from across the Liverpool City Region at the Titanic Hotel for a FREE one day event, showcasing the healthcare sector & all of the exciting opportunities available within it. Liverpool City Region Metro Mayor, Steve Rotheram, joined attendees as they took part in interactive activities ranging from resuscitation techniques to giant Operation!
All About STEM Managing Director, Michelle Dow & Metro-Mayor Steve Rotheram
The show floor was packed with exhibitors with interactive hands-on activities from healthcare professionals including Merseyside Health Sector Career and Engagement Hub stakeholders, Shaping Futures partner Universities & Colleges, plus The Apprenticeship Hub associate training providers.
Student Advocates and STEM Ambassadors supported the event
There were opportunities to try on gowns & decontamination suits, learn life-saving techniques, identify chocolates on an MRI, examine x-rays and even deliver babies!
Hands-on healthcare techniques at the Liverpool City Region Health Skills Show
Students experimented with medical equipment, learned how to grow healthy eco-friendly food, measured their own brain power, took fitness tests, created dental impressions and much, much more. Did you know you can learn human anatomy by scanning a t-shirt?
The Curiscope Virtuali-tee – one of the amazing resources spotlighted at the event
The Medical Mavericks performed their ‘Human Guinea Pig’ show on the mezzanine throughout the day.
The Medical Mavericks present their exciting ‘Human Guinea Pig’ show
Leading man Tom Warrender, gave teachers an ECG and tested pupil heart rates before demonstrating ‘how to scan your eyeball with an iPhone’ – amazing!
Medical Mavericks Tom Warrender, performs an eye scan with an iPhone
Steve Rotheram, Metro Mayor of the Liverpool City Region said:
“The Liverpool City Region Health Skills Show was a fantastic chance to showcase the vast array of career options that exist within the healthcare sector to 800 students from across our region. Over 110,000 people in our area are employed in health (17% of the total workforce) – and as demand on the NHS grows in years to come – more vacancies will need to be filled.”
“As a region, we are leading the way in developing new technologies within the healthcare sector which will transform the way patients are treated in the future. I want as many local young people as possible to know about the exciting challenges and opportunities that are open to them if they wish to choose this career path.”
Event Sponsor. Liverpool City Region Apprenticeship Hub & Metro Mayor Steve Rotheram
Melanie Dodd, Skills Strategy Manager, Liverpool City Region Apprenticeship Hub said:
“The Liverpool City Region (LCR) Apprenticeship Hub aims to increase the awareness of, the number of and the quality of apprenticeships available to residents of the region by supporting and co-ordinating apprenticeship activities to make Apprenticeships Work for businesses and young people. With this in mind, it was exciting to work alongside Merseyside Health Sector Career & Engagement Hub, Shaping Futures and All About STEM to encourage and support the next generation of healthcare practitioners.”
Event Sponsor, Shaping Futures – a collaboration of Universities & Colleges
John Corish, Head of Programme, Shaping Futures said:
“Shaping Futures are delighted to have co-sponsored this event, which has been both exciting and immersive for local young people”.
“As the pace of healthcare innovation accelerates, it is even more vital that local young people can see first hand the wide range of highly skilled occupations needed by the NHS and the higher education courses on offer to help them access these opportunities”.
“Shaping Futures is part of the National Collaborative Outreach Programme and has been funded by the Higher Education Funding Council for England to increase the number of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds in higher education by 2020.”
Event Partner, Merseyside Health Sector Career and Engagement Hub
Danielle Oakford, Career Engagement & Liaison Officer, Merseyside Health Sector Career and Engagement Hub said:
“The Liverpool City Region Health Skills Show is an exciting new platform to help inspire, motivate and encourage young people to consider a career in health. Through a range of interactive stands, the event aimed to showcase the diverse range of careers available within health, whilst challenging stereotypical views of health professions. We need talented young people to help develop and sustain our workforce; this show was an opportunity to provide them with information to make informed choices about their future career.”
Michelle Dow, Managing Director, All About STEM said:
“The Liverpool City Region Health Skills show is an exciting, immersive event that ensures that the pupils of our region are ready, appropriately qualified and skilled, to take up their place in a rapidly developing jobs landscape.”
“The importance of face to face interactions with front line staff cannot be underestimated in influencing and inspiring young people in their education and career choices. The success of this event is in the imaginative partnership of sponsors who have brought engaging, hands on stands to excite, challenge and inspire pupils to consider careers they may never have heard of or thought they could do.”
“In a week when the Government released its industrial strategy white paper, this event supports its sentiment by investing in the future workforce of our region and we have seen pupils and teachers enthused and excited about the future of health care in the North West and their potential role in it.”
The event ‘trended’ on Twitter across the region and appeared on television.
Click below to relive the Liverpool City Region Health Skills Show in pictures…
Liverpool City Region Apprenticeship Hub are ESF funded.
Images © All About STEM – Photographer: Gareth Jones
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