Big Bang North West: Cavendish Nuclear Confirmed!
April 05th 2018

Big Bang North West: Cavendish Nuclear Confirmed!

We’re excited to announce that Cavendish Nuclear will be exhibiting at The Big Bang North West 2018!

Cavendish Nuclear are super-keen to inspire all at this year’s event with their awesome activities:

Virtual Crane

“We will be bringing a VR kit with a module that has been adapted from a joint Cavendish Nuclear-Sellafield project. Visitors will have to use the VR version of a real-life crane from the project to move shapes around virtual arena to the correct locations. Just 3 minutes to move as many shapes as possible!”

Are you contaminated?

“We will have a hand monitor which can be used on licensed nuclear sites. These monitors are used to make sure that someone leaving a controlled area does not have any contamination on their hands or gloves, ensuring the safety of themselves and others. Visitors will be able to interact with this monitor and be deemed clear of contamination!”

Crane Construction

“Can you copy the specifications at speed and build the LEGO crane?”

“I’m absolutely thrilled that Cavendish Nuclear is committing to the Big Bang Fair as I’ve seen first-hand the positive effect it has in exciting and enthusing young people to explore study and careers within STEM related subjects and industries. This is building important skills and capability for the future, not just for Cavendish Nuclear or the wider nuclear industry, but for the UK PLC as a whole. I’m looking forward to getting stuck in and playing a positive part in realising that goal” Sebastian Proctor, Senior Engineering Manager, Cavendish Nuclear

‘It’s fantastic to see so much inspiration and passion in these Big Bang events. These fairs can really show to children how interesting and exciting STEM can be, and provide encouragement for the future engineers that will shape our society.’Chantel Maynard, Graduate Mechanical Engineer, Cavendish Nuclear

Cavendish Nuclear, a wholly owned subsidiary of Babcock International Group, is the UK’s leading nuclear services company. With a highly-skilled workforce circa 6,000 they are located at offices and sites in the UK as well as internationally.

“Our people innovate to make nuclear safer, faster, at lower cost and deliver across all aspects of the nuclear energy life-cycle, from design and build, through operations and maintenance, to decommissioning, waste management and remediation.

At Cavendish Nuclear we put people first. A career with us is hugely rewarding and exciting; one that stretches and challenges individuals to be the best they can be. When joining us, you know that’s exactly what you’ll get.”

When you join Cavendish Nuclear, you will have opportunities to work on projects that will have an impact on the future.

‘The Big Bang Fair is a brilliant opportunity for young people to gain a broad understanding of STEM related careers and to meet with people who can give real life examples of what a career in a STEM related role can offer. A must for all young people and their supporters.’ Tony Handley, Technical Director, Cavendish Nuclear

STEM skills are always in high demand especially within Cavendish Nuclear and with 2018 being the ‘Year of Engineering’, The Big Bang will engage and enthuse young people to get involved in STEM subjects. By promoting what we do and the range of opportunities available to young people looking to start a career in science, technology, engineering and maths this will help guarantee our future talent pipeline coming into Cavendish Nuclear. Rebecca Fraser, Future Talent Development Manager, Babcock International Group

We can’t wait to inspire the next generation of STEM experts and show you how good The Big Bang North West is going to be. Our morning session is already full, book your school group now for our afternoon session!


Please note: If you are entering The Big Bang UK Young Scientists & Engineers Competition you will need to book a morning visit as judging takes place throughout the day. (Booking a morning visit is still possible for competition entrants.)


Big Bang North West 2018: AstraZeneca return as Headline Sponsor
Enter the Big Bang UK Young Scientists & Engineers Competition
Official Gallery: The Big Bang North West 2017
Big Bang North West 2017: The Movie!
Go Virtual with The Big Bang North West!
The Big Bang North West 2017: Your Amazing Feedback
The Big Bang UK Competition: Finalists & Award Winners!
Big Bang North West 2017: A Teacher’s View

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Selena Ledgerton Selena Ledgerton
Selena Ledgerton Web, Media & Marketing Manager e: [email protected]