Big Bang North West: Make Magic Detectors with FACT Liverpool!
June 15th 2018

Big Bang North West: Make Magic Detectors with FACT Liverpool!

We are excited to announce that FACT Liverpool will be exhibiting at The Big Bang North West 2018! There’ll be plenty of magic at BBNW, can you detect it with your own FACT prototype?

FACT’s Learning Programme experiments with the notion of the art-tech centre as an expanded classroom for lifelong learning, a space for critical dialogues, artistic experiences and social dreaming. Our activities are about participatory design, using making-based learning methodologies to promote lifelong learning competences, skills development and criticality.


1. Make your own magic detector. Together we will think how to design, build circuits and laser-cut your own magic detectors, you can take these with you and use to sense something about the world and activities that are going on around you at BBNW. You will use your imagination to think of something to detect, then you will learn how to design and build a prototype detector using graphics software and then how to laser cut it on the spot to explore the event with.

2. An activity related to ‘the Future World of Work’ and working rights campaigns from Facts forthcoming program.

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The Big Bang North West is going to be AMAZING!
We’re FULLY BOOKED but don’t worry, you can add yourself to our waiting list and we are still open for Big Bang UK competition entrants.

Add your contact details to the waiting list for the morning session
Add your contact details to the waiting list for the afternoon session
Enter the Big Bang UK Young Scientists & Engineers Competition



Big Bang North West 2018: AstraZeneca return as Headline Sponsor
Official Gallery: The Big Bang North West 2017
Big Bang North West 2017: The Movie!
Go Virtual with The Big Bang North West!
The Big Bang North West 2017: Your Amazing Feedback
The Big Bang UK Competition: Finalists & Award Winners!
Big Bang North West 2017: A Teacher’s View

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Selena Ledgerton Selena Ledgerton
Selena Ledgerton Web, Media & Marketing Manager e: [email protected]