Big Bang North West 2018: Diamond Sponsor – Unilever!
We are overjoyed to announce that Unilever will be returning to The Big Bang North West 2018 but this time, they’ll be our Diamond Sponsor!
“Unilever Port Sunlight is proud to showcase the science behind the everyday, through some exciting interactive demos from our world-class research & development experts. Be inspired by our formulation, consumer, processing & packaging activities!”
Formulation – Hair microscopy and how to make a shampoo
Consumer – Sensory deprivation game to show how senses influence our perception + other activities
Packaging – Packaging material games, augmented reality and carbon black gun game
Processing – Playdough mixer and scale up demos
“Unilever is one of the world’s leading fast-moving consumer goods companies. Over 2 billion times a day, someone, somewhere uses a Unilever product. All of this started in Port Sunlight and we are proud to represent the long-standing heritage at the Big Bang North West. Our aim is to inspire the next generation of students to pursue a STEM career by showcasing the science behind the everyday.”
Did you know?
Unilever has 400 brands, sales in over 190 countries and operations in 100 countries.
Every day, our products are purchased 150 million times and used 2 billion times a day.
How can you get involved?
“This year at the Big Bang North West we will be re-opening entries for next September’s Port Sunlight Bright Future Programme. This is a fantastic opportunity for teachers and students to learn more about what we do and how STEM can shape a career as well as challenge themselves to help solve some exciting real world business problems. Come and have a chat on the day for more information.
If you want to learn more about Unilever’s apprenticeship programme, we will have people on hand on the day to speak to or visit here.”
Unilever are also generously sponsoring our Communication Award at The Big Bang North West as part of the Big Bang UK Young Scientists and Engineers Competition.
“It’s not good enough to come up with the best idea that’s going to save the world if you can’t explain it to anyone else. Being a leading scientist, engineer or mathematician means being able to communicate your ideas to a team of people. We also need good science and engineering communicators to show the public what fantastic advances we’re making in STEM.”
Follow Unilever on Twitter here
@UnileverUKI #Unilever #BrightFuture
Unilever Bright Future: Teacher Twilight Event
Unilever Bright Future Programme: Celebration & Awards Day
Visit the Unilever website
Big Bang North West 2018: AstraZeneca return as Headline Sponsor
Official Gallery: The Big Bang North West 2017
Big Bang North West 2017: The Movie!
Go Virtual with The Big Bang North West!
The Big Bang North West 2017: Your Amazing Feedback
The Big Bang UK Competition: Finalists & Award Winners!
Big Bang North West 2017: A Teacher’s View
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