Witness The Big Bang North West in seconds – AMAZING time-lapse from hi-impact!
WOW! The first sensational video from our Official Media Partner has arrived!
In less than a minute, you can see how we build the biggest STEM celebration in the region and watch as 7000 attendees enjoy exciting exhibits, sensational shows and ingenious innovation at The Big Bang North West. Thank you hi-impact!
Click to play…
Creating award-winning and engaging content for some of the most prestigious clients in their respective industries, hi-impact Media brings high quality results and a client-centred approach to every job. Whether it is video training tools for an international designer’s global team of visual merchandisers, a promotional film for a 5 star hotel or a 3D virtual tour for a top tourist attraction, hi-impact takes time with every client to develop a partnership based upon trust and flexibility.
The team are cutting edge, approachable and understanding, comprising of filmmakers, photographers, web designers, graphic designers, branding specialists and 3D modellers – all of whom have worked across Europe with a range of high profile clients in industries such as tourism, hospitality, retail, education and leisure.
hi-impact exhibited at The Big Bang North West 2018 with a giant space balloon that recorded video footage from 25 miles above the Earth. They showcased a virtual reality experience that allowed students to grab a headset and journey alongside the balloon to the stars!
A big thank you to hi-impact for their ongoing support. Their work is exemplary and they’re a whole lot of fun too.
We have ‘BBNW: The Movie’, interviews and state-of-the-art virtual reality to come – stay tuned!
Relive The Big Bang North West 2018…
The Big Bang North West 2018: 7000 school children celebrate STEM!
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The Big Bang North West 2018: Your AMAZING Feedback!
The Big Bang North West 2018: Official Gallery
The Big Bang North West 2018: LIVE Twitter Gallery
The Big Bang North West 2018: Big Bang UK Competition Projects
The Big Bang North West 2018: Behind the Scenes
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