Visit the NEW CREST Awards website!
In time for the new term, CREST Awards have launched their brand new website complete with a new look and revamped resource library!
“Challenging and thought provoking real-world STEM projects for young people of all ages.”
Visit the CREST Awards website here…
Get inspired!
“My CREST projects helped me get a place at Bristol University and a placement at AstraZeneca.”
— Elizabeth Hampson, CREST Award holder
It’s easy: choose an award level and start running CREST today!
Perfect for 5-7 year olds who are starting their STEM journey. Inspire primary-aged students with short, hands-on activities that challenge them to explore the world around them.
Most suitable for upper primary students who are looking for a challenge.
A one-day STEM project perfect for challenging your 11-14 year old students.Develop your students’ communication, problem solving and teamwork skills by addressing a real-world challenge over the course of a day.
An introduction to STEM project work for 11-14 year olds working in teams. Empower your students to run their own investigation from start to finish – let them run the project they want to do!
A challenge for your 14-16 year old students by running their own STEM projects in teams or individually.
Stretch your 16-19 year old students with a long-term, open-ended project ideal for enhancing their UCAS applications.
Inspire your students – Run CREST Awards in school
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The Big Bang North West 2018: Your AMAZING Feedback!
The Big Bang North West 2018: Official Gallery
The Big Bang North West 2018: LIVE Twitter Gallery
The Big Bang North West 2018: Big Bang UK Competition Projects
The Big Bang North West 2018: Behind the Scenes
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