Videos: STEM Ambassadors – Working together to inspire the next generation
STEM Learning have visited STEM Ambassadors across the country and given them the opportunity to talk about their experiences as volunteers. There are also videos from group leaders, employers and organisations who take part in the Ambassador Programme to make a difference in STEM education.
If you work in STEM, you can become a STEM Ambassador. If you’re a teacher, you can request a STEM Ambassador to visit your school and inspire your students!
STEM Ambassadors are volunteers from a wide range of jobs and backgrounds who are passionate about inspiring young people to pursue STEM subjects and careers. With a community of over 30,000 volunteers, they are an exciting, free of charge resource for individuals and groups working with young people across the UK.
STEM Ambassadors get involved in a number of activities both in and outside of the classroom including mentoring, STEM Club activities and careers education.
“I think it’s important for young people to engage with STEM Ambassadors because it allows them to see how what they’re learning can be applied into the real world and it opens up routes for them they may not have known existed beforehand.” William O’Connor, Year 6 teacher
How can you get involved?
Find the video for you and find out more…
Further Education
Youth & Community Groups
Christina Watson, Head of Programmes UK Youth
“We’ve learnt from working with STEM Ambassadors, it’s the importance of role models. It’s really powerful for young people to see somebody in front of them, to see a pathway, whether that’s to a career or to a particular lifestyle of choice that they can aspire to.”
James Stones, Patent Attorney, Beck Greener
“The reason for doing this is that it not only shows that you are a responsible business but that you can give back something to the community at the same time.”
Russell Davies, Head of Design and Technology
“STEM Ambassadors who can talk about their everyday life once they’ve left school, or are further on in their developed careers, can really focus students. They’re effectively an interface between the student and the opportunities which are out there.”
Catrin Williams, Lecturer
“It’s very difficult to keep on top of current developments and new industries coming into the area. The STEM Ambassador is crucial in my view to linking businesses and education together.”
If you’re based in Merseyside or Cheshire, you can find out more about the STEM Ambassador Programme here.
Visit the STEM Learning website
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