Ask Project: Download your Apprenticeship Parents’ Pack!
Fantastic news! The ASK Project’s first Apprenticeship Parents’ Pack is now available.
The pack is full of resources aimed at helping parents understand the benefits of apprenticeships, including translated resources, dates for your diary and 6 ways to keep informed!
Parents can download the pack directly and schools can share the link to this helpful pack with families too.
ASK Project: Now available in Wirral, Knowsley, Warrington & Cheshire!
Did you know the Government has targeted 3 million apprenticeship starts before 2020?
Did you know that there are up to 28000 apprenticeship positions available across England?
If you didn’t know the above you are not alone and All About STEM has been working to help make sure that schools, colleges and their students are fully informed about the brilliant opportunities that apprenticeships offer.
In March 2017 All about STEM started to deliver the (ASK) Apprenticeship Support and Knowledge for Schools project (commissioned by the National Apprenticeship Service).
The project works with school and colleges to ensure they are getting the support they need to fully promote apprenticeships by ensuring they are provided with up to date information and guidance about apprenticeships.
You could host an assembly or parents evening in your school.
“34,000+ students already! Only 6 weeks into the new academic year and thousands of students have received apprenticeship information through the ASK programme.”
To find out more about the free apprenticeship support available to every school and college in England, click here.
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