British Model Flying Association: Payload Challenge!
October 30th 2018

British Model Flying Association: Payload Challenge!

Every year (starting in October and cumulating in June), the BMFA runs the ‘Payload’ Challenge through their Time and Space Learning Community. This a programme for Secondary Schools, 6th form Colleges and Universities.

There are several challenges to get involved with and full details can be found on the BMFA website here.

The best news is that we have a fantastic STEM Ambassador available who is Education Co-ordinator for the NW British Model Flying Association!

He can help by:

1. Visiting schools and explaining what the challenges are about.
2. Mentoring or arranging for another BMFA member to mentor school teams if they would like to take part.

Get in touch if you would like to take up this inspirational offer!

By taking part in the challenges school teams:

1. Learn how to solve a challenging practical problem
2. Acquire aviation design/development skills
3. Construct an airframe they have designed
4. Gain team building and team working experience
5. Have fun! This is a very enjoyable exercise for all who take part


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Selena Ledgerton Selena Ledgerton
Selena Ledgerton Web, Media & Marketing Manager e: [email protected]