CREST Discovery Day: Woodchurch High School
November 08th 2018

CREST Discovery Day: Woodchurch High School

On the 7th of November, All About STEM visited Woodchurch High School to deliver an Enrich my Classroom, CREST Discovery Day.

As North West Regional CREST Support Organisation we’re here to promote CREST Awards across the region and offer schools & clubs all the support they need to run this amazing scheme.

Students took part in the Enrich my Classroom, Discovery Award which encourages them to plan & design a state-of-the-art educational environment.

The children learned about coding, nanotechnology, ergonomics, magnetic storage & electricity and considered all options when planning their new futuristic classroom!

Why shouldn’t we use bean-bags in class?
Which technologies improve your learning?
How much power will your room use?
What can improve your mood and concentration?

So many interesting questions and all were answered as the day progressed… there were a few laughs too!

All About STEM’s Dr Dave brought along his 1996 mix tape as part of the Magnetic Storage workshop. The pupil’s faces said it all, “what is it?”

Everyone had the opportunity to brainstorm their concepts and make suggestions before joining forces in teams to create their final designs.

“A massive thank you for such a great day. The pupils thoroughly enjoyed all of the activities and gained so much from it. I was so impressed to see everyone contribute their ideas and participate in the presentations. You gave them the skills and confidence to give it their best. Thanks again for providing such great opportunities for our pupils.” – Mr Hersey, Woodchurch High School.”

“Congratulations Woodchurchl! Your pupils are a credit to your school (as are the staff). There were so many innovative ideas, we all had lots of fun and everyone was focused and engaged.” – All About STEM (CREST North West)

Relive the day in pictures

CREST Discovery Awards offer an introduction to real project work and give students the freedom to run their own investigations. They can be completed in one day, with students working together in self-managed groups.



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Selena Ledgerton Selena Ledgerton
Selena Ledgerton Web, Media & Marketing Manager e: [email protected]