RHS: Receive expert advice & up to £500 for your community gardening project!
Applications are now… open!
Could you do with some funding for a new community growing project?
Is there an underused space in your area that you would love to transform using the power of plants?
The Royal Horticultural Society is looking for intergenerational partnership projects between community groups and youth groups or schools who want to join forces to do something positive for people and planet, by greening up a space in their local community.
Projects should explore how plants can help tackle issues in your community and should support one or more of the following themes:
– Grow for People – create a space to bring people together and promote health and wellbeing
– Grow for the Planet – create a garden for the environment; for example, you could reduce your impact by growing food, create a garden made of recycled materials, or select plants for a challenging climate, whether wet or dry
– Grow for Wildlife – create a space for wildlife and boost local biodiversity
Successful applicants will receive hands-on horticultural support and training from expert RHS Community Outreach Advisors, along with up to £500 worth of materials and plants to support the project.
Follow the links below to apply and to find out more about the types of projects the RHS are looking for, and the areas of the country where they are currently able to provide support. Applications must be submitted by Thursday 28 February 2019. If you have any queries, please contact [email protected].
The RHS would like to thank M&G Investments for its support of this programme in 2019.
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