Reading is STEMsational!
June 03rd 2019

Reading is STEMsational!

All About STEM and Reading Rocks are piloting a programme to encourage an interest in STEM, via a whole-school STEM-based literacy programme.

Using specially selected fiction and non-fiction texts, we’ve designed a set of programmes that will allow all year groups in a primary school to use their literacy activities for the week as a spring-board for STEM-focused study/activity.

We’re currently piloting the ‘Conservation’ programme we’ve designed with three schools from the LDST multi-academy trust.

The ‘Conservation’ books and activities cover topics like

  • wildflowers
  • bees
  • classification
  • habitats
  • growth
  • life-cycles
  • water/energy-saving
  • recycling, ecology
  • endangered species
  • famous naturalists and animal behaviourists

As part of the project we will be supporting the schools to build a range of activities into their STEM-week, using the topics in the texts as a spring-board. This may include school trips, employer visits, parent/carer activities, arts & crafts, community events.

We’d be delighted to hear from any organisations, companies or STEM Ambassadors who feel they might be able to make links to the broad theme of ‘conservation’ and provide some kind of support to the schools during their use of the book sets to help provide a real-life context to the materials being read in class.

If you think you could help, or would like further information, please contact Alison Christoffer ([email protected])

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Alison Christoffer Alison Christoffer
Alison Christoffer Operations Manager e: [email protected]