Why do I need computing, Sir?
Paul Thornton is a Network Education Lead for computing at STEM Learning. In his latest blog he discusses why computing is needed & why headteachers should include computing on their curriculum offer.
“The inclusion of any subject as part of the curriculum offer should rely on the same fundamental reasoning – the subject will enable young people to gain the knowledge and skills that will help them make sense of, and contribute to, the society and world they live in.
As such, if the subject has both clear benefits for a child’s development and the result of not teaching it will impact negatively on society, then it surely needs to appear in the curriculum. I firmly believe we are at that point now with computing, and not including it as part of the curriculum could lead to greater issues in the future.”
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Isaac Computer Science
Isaac Computer Science is led by Raspberry Pi as part of the National Computing Centre for Education. This new platform is provided for students and teachers of GCSE and A Level Computer Science with free resources, revision ideas, homework & more. It’s completely free of charge, take a look…
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The National Centre for Computing Education
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