All About STEM & The OR Society: Training – Think Maths!
On the 29th of January, The Operational Research Society and All About STEM offered training for anyone interested in running activities to enthuse children in maths.
The event was aimed at both STEM Ambassadors and teachers looking to offer new fun workshops or build their confidence in mathematics.

Delivered by the OR Society Education Team, this session was designed to encourage children to look at maths in a new way and the activities provided could be used during events, in STEM club, school, college or university.

“Operational research is all about applying advanced analytical methods to help make better decisions. The goal is to ensure every student knows what OR is.”

Thank you to The OR Society and to all of the inspirational teachers & STEM ambassadors attending. We can’t wait to hear about your student sessions!
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-Relive the event in pictures
-Request a STEM Ambassador to inspire your students
-Become a STEM Ambassador
-Visit The OR Society website

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