Home & School Learning: STEM/STEAM Resources Collection 31
We know teachers & parents are always surfing the web looking for fun, interesting activities for their children, so we’re sharing our Inspiration Stations to help.
Each Inspiration Station is packed with home & school resources, videos, virtual tours, projects, awards and more! There are 60+ collections with over 2000 ideas!
You can also find activities to promote positivity, mindfulness and exercise.
Science – Technology – Engineering – Art – Maths – Mind – Body – Enjoy!

- Make a soap powered boat!
- Brilliant Bodies – LIVE with Maddie & Greg
A fantastic, fun playlist of videos… including how to make a poo!
(Yes, we really did said that.)
- Rainbow Celery
- UK Sport Competition
These activities are perfect boredom busters for children aged 5-18. Solve one of the challenges and you could win a video call with an elite UK athlete!
- CREST Awards:
Choose an exciting, fun project from the new CREST Home Learning Hub.

- Make your own water timer!
Experiment with smaller holes for longer times…
- Love 3D printing?
Thingiverse has a HUGE selection of free downloadable prints.
If you don’t have a 3D printer it’s a great place for model ideas, art, sculpture & project inspiration!
- Mobile Phone Holder
Use the same layering technique as a 3D printer to design & make your own cardboard smartphone stand.
- Love computers, apps or coding?
Try a Barefoot Computing mini mission!
- STEM Learning: Remote Lessons
Awesome online Computing & Science sessions for learners.

- Everyone’s seen those magical balancing bird toys…
Now you can make your own & defy gravity!
- Dazzling Discoveries: Create a paper catapult game
Fun and fast engineering!
- The Tech Interactive: Maker May
Try these 5 new design & engineering challenges for kids.
- Help the honey bees, make a bee feeder!

Today’s focus: Surface Tension Art (Suminagashi)

- Prefer worksheets?
Here you can find an enormous selection, just choose your subject & go!
- Upper Primary & Secondary Coin Puzzles
Brilliant brain teasers!
- Little Ones: 111 videos on counting, shape & more!
Numberblocks – Maths for early years

- NEW! – CBeebies: Your Mindful Garden app
Narrated by Stephen Fry
- Miss Steer: 100 Days of Mindfulness for Kids
Introduction below, find the challenges here
- A Wellbeing Workout
This printable resources helps learners focus on kindness.
- Parents & Teachers: Your wellbeing is so important too!
Did you know that Microsoft offer templates for a printable mindfulness journal? There’s a wellness tracker, fitness tracker & meal planner too. Try them out, they’re also great for older children & teens.
Here’s a free mindfulness & celebration journal for you
We’ve shared a link for the Gratitude Journal for Kids before but if you missed it, you can find it here. Don’t forget Big Life Journal have free printables every Friday & there’s a Growth Mindset book from Kitchen Table Classroom.
Covid 19 Time Capsule (Adult & Child versions)

- Top 10 Stretches for Children
Brilliant for improving flexibility.
- Take a look at this awesome school hall-course!
Could you make something like this at home?
You could use chalk on a garden path & wall or design & cut signs & symbols from paper to use indoors.
Don’t forget to tag us @allaboutstem if you have a go!
Don’t forget to follow @AllAboutSTEM on Twitter & Facebook for more.
You can tag us in your home or school project photos, we’d love to share them and celebrate your activities!
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All About STEM is making it happen across the North West. We work on lots of different projects to bring exciting Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics to schools across the region, linking them with business and industry expert volunteers inspiring the next generation of STEM specialists.
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