Resources: UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities
All About STEM supports inclusion and equality for all!
The 3rd of December is the official date for the UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities. This year’s theme is ‘Fighting for Rights in the Post-COVID Era’, which spotlights the challenges and opportunities for people who live with disabilities, in the context of a global pandemic.
People with disabilities have been particularly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal for this year’s International Day of Persons with Disabilities is to spread awareness of invisible disabilities as well as the impact that COVID-19 has had on mental health.
With this in mind, we would like to share a range of STEM resources including challenges, awards & activities that encourage children to think about disabilities, sensory considerations, equality & inclusion. There are also support guides for schools on learning environments and teaching.
United Nations Events: UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities

CREST Superstar Challenge: Playground Games (P130) 7-11 Years
This activity is designed to get children thinking about disabilities and creating games that are accessible and inclusive. Design games taking into account the needs of different players.
Machine Learning (Discovery Award) 10-14 Years
Design a household product using machine learning.
Enrich My Classroom (Discovery Award) 10-14 Years
Design the classroom of the future using new materials & digital tools to improve the learning environment.
Design a Games Controller (Bronze Award) 11+
Use ergonomics to design a games controller.
Make Your Own Toothpaste (Bronze Award) 11+
Experiment with different ingredients to find the best recipe.
Silver Award: Grand Challenges 11+
Ageing Society & Future of Mobility Projects
Testing Toothpastes (Silver Award) 14+
Make your own toothpaste.
Gold Award: Grand Challenges 16+
Ageing Society & Future of Mobility Projects
Youth Industrial Strategy Competition 11-19 Years
The Youth Industrial Strategy Competition is a new national STEM initiative that aims to inspire and challenge young people aged 11 to 19.
Focused around the four Grand Challenges of the UK Government’s Industrial Strategy – Artificial Intelligence, ageing society, clean growth and future mobility, the competition calls on students to come up with innovative solutions that have the potential to change our future industries, society and the environment.

STEM Learning: Sensor Solutions
This activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), introduces students to how we see communications developing to help others.
STEM Learning: Producing a Design for a Living Area for a Disabled Client
In this project, students use Autodesk Homestyler to design a living space for a disabled client. The design must include a ground floor living space with outdoor landscape.
STEM Learning: Designing for disabled children & children with special educational needs
Children and young people need attractive, accessible school buildings. ‘Inclusive’ design can enable and empower those with SEN and disabilities to participate fully in life at school and in the wider community. This building bulletin draws together information to help everyone involved in designing these schools to work together to produce good quality, sustainable school premises.
STEM Learning: Sports facilities for disabled people
In this challenge students are asked to produce a 10 minute presentation highlighting their research on the sports facilities available to disabled people now and their recommendations to increase disability sports that are available in their school and local area.
STEM Learning: Science for Secondary aged pupils with Special Educational Needs and or disability (SEND)
A wide-ranging guide which will be of use to teachers in mainstream and special schools. There are sections on teaching science to students with cognitive and learning difficulties, behavioural and emotional difficulties, communication difficulties, sensory and physical difficulties and hypersensitivity.
STEM Learning: Computing for students with complex SEND needs CY700
Discover practical and engaging ideas for teaching the computing curriculum to your learners with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
STEM Learning: Narrowing the Gap
“Our mission is for every young person in the UK to have access to a world-leading STEM education. Many of our programmes are designed to help you support pupils from the most disadvantaged backgrounds.
The recent increase in home learning, with students spending time away from the classroom, means the gap may have widened.
We have put together a collection of resources, information and advice to support school leaders and teachers in narrowing the attainment gap in STEM, and identifying some effective ways your school might use pupil premium funding.” More…
Don’t forget, you can request a STEM ambassador to support your STEM sessions and inspire your learners. STEM ambassadors are currently offering online activities too!
SEND Code of Practice / Teaching & Learning – Government Guidelines
United Nations: Official IDPD Resources (Including Disability Inclusion – 101 Webinar)
Webinar: Policy – A Disibility-Inclusive Response to COVID 19

All About STEM: STEM News, Resources, Activities & Events!
The All About STEM Competition: Funded Support, Guides, Resources & Fantastic Prizes!
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