The All About STEM Competition & CREST!
Are you excited about entering the All About STEM Competition?
We recommend CREST Awards on our Competition Resources page alongside a host of fantastic partner activities and there are so many projects to choose from for all ages.
We are also including CREST as part of our NEW Funded Support Programme!
Due to the fantastic support of our sponsors and partners, we are able to offer a funded support programme to help get young people involved in The Competition.
Funded Support
This offer consists of training, support and funding for teachers and youth leaders to organise a British Science Association CREST Discovery Day, which will provide your young people with the ideas and content they need to be able to make a Competition submission.
The Offer
1, Teacher(s)/Youth Leader(s) will take part in a CREST Discovery Day ‘train the trainer’ workshop, delivered online by All About STEM.
The workshops will last 1-2 hours and will cover:
• What are CREST Awards?
• What is a Discovery Day?
• How to run a Discovery Day
• Available Discovery Day resources
• Contexts for Discovery Days delivery (curriculum and enrichment)
• The benefits of investigative practical science project-work
• Using the CREST online system
• Making a Competition entry
2, Teachers/Youth Leaders will then be supported remotely by the All About STEM team to run a Discovery Day in their schools or youth groups. The remote support will include answering any questions about preparations and running of the day, providing advice and guidance on using the CREST online system for submitting young people’s project work for CREST certification etc., plus an invitation to join The Competition Community with regular drop-in sessions, newsletters and more!
3, Where possible, promotion of the school’s/youth group’s Discovery Day as part of The Competition media and marketing (if desired and all appropriate consent is in place), across All About STEM’s communication channels.

The Discovery Days
• Must consist of 5 hours of activities
• Can be run as a day of activity or as separate sessions (totalling 5 hours)
• Must engage young people in KS2 (Age 9-11) or KS3 (Age 11-14)
• Can be based on existing CREST Discovery Day resources, competition partners’ resources or can be designed by the teacher/youth leader around their own activity ideas
• Voucher codes will be made available to cover the cost of the CREST award fees and small grants may be available to schools to assist with the cost of materials
If your school or youth group would like to take up the offer of the funded support programme, please complete this form.
*The Competition is open to young people from the North West – Cumbria, Lancashire, Merseyside, Greater Manchester and Cheshire.
Competition Closing Date: Friday 27th May 2022 – 5pm
Find out more about The All About STEM Competition
Visit the CREST Awards website

As North West Regional CREST Support Organisation, All About STEM promote CREST Awards across the region and point schools & clubs to the support they need to run this amazing scheme. CREST Awards encourage students to work like scientists, researchers, engineers and designers to investigate and explore their own project ideas.
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