STEM Learning: Catalyst Magazine LIVE!
Event Date: 18 July 2022
Catalyst Magazine Live! is a series of live STEM subject-themed webinars aimed at UK school students aged 14+ studying STEM subjects and their educators.
The next webinar takes place on the 18th of July at 4pm and explores the fascinating topic of tissue engineering.
“Tissue engineering has the potential to resolve specific medical needs, like creating organs for transplantation. But how is it possible?
Why is the scientific community interested in building organs in the laboratory?”
Catalyst Magazine LIVE webinars
The webinars focus on real-world cutting edge scientific research and development. Led by contributors from Catalyst Magazine in live webinar sessions that will:
- support student learning of science topics and promote independent research
- relate curricular content with real world practice
- open the door to scientific knowledge and challenge understanding
- enhance teacher awareness and perception of STEM subjects outside the classroom
- provide students with an opportunity to interact with the Catalyst authors and learn about their work and their career
- encourage conversation, debate and promote free thinking
Each live session will conclude with a question-and-answer session.
Webinars are open to schools and colleges across the UK and to anyone interested in the event topic.
All About STEM works on lots of exciting STEM projects. As part of the STEM Learning family, we manage the STEM Ambassador Hub in Merseyside, Cheshire and Warrington, working closely with the regional Science Learning Partnerships in Merseyside and Warrington and Cheshire and Stockport.
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