Celebrate National Numeracy Day with CREST!
Celebrate National Numeracy Day on the 22nd of May with fantastic official resources & CREST Awards!
National Numeracy has a huge selection of activities for the big day and there are numerous CREST projects below to excite your learners about maths.
Students can join the Big Number Natter too and there’s a whopping £6000 worth of prizes up for grabs this year!
CREST Resources & Partner Resources
By completing CREST projects or accredited CREST partner projects, young people can earn CREST Awards!
CREST Projects – Primary & Secondary: Star, Superstar, Discovery, Bronze, Silver & Gold
CREST at Home: Measurement, Maths & More
CREST Partner Resources
IET: IET Faraday Challenge Resources
The 2023-24 IET Faraday® Challenge season started in September 2023 and runs to June 2024. The IET Faraday Challenge Days are cross-curricular STEM activity days designed for Year 8 students in England and Wales, S1/S2 students in Scotland and Year 9 students in Northern Ireland. (CREST Discovery Award).
STEM Learning: Polar Explorer
This collection includes resources connected to the Polar Explorer Programme, the educational programme linked to the RRS Sir David Attenborough research vessel. Maths-related projects include Longitude Problem, Mapping the Sea and more!
Challenge for Schools – Maths In Motion:
Small teams of students can get involved in this CREST Bronze Award. Teams compete against each other in a series of Grands Prix-type races in virtual racing cars in the hope of becoming World Champions. (Ages 10-14)
Astro Pi: Mission Space Lab
Teams of young people design and program a scientific experiment to run onboard the International Space Station. (Ages 19 & under)
More CREST Partner Resources
Practical Action: STEM Challenges
Royal Institution: Off the Shelf Primary Masterclasses
Canal & River Trust: STEM Programme
Engineering in Motion: F1 in Schools: Development Class – National
Royal Society of Chemistry: Global Experiment with Hydrogels
BP: Ultimate STEM Challenge
View the resources & get started with CREST!
National Numeracy: Official National Numeracy Day Resources
As North West Regional CREST Support Organisation, All About STEM promote CREST Awards across the region and point schools & clubs to the support they need to run this amazing scheme. CREST Awards encourage students to work like scientists, researchers, engineers and designers to investigate and explore their own project ideas.
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