Teacher, Youth Leader & Other Adults Information Page
Well done! Good on you! The fact that you’re here, to find out more about the All About STEM Competition and how you can involve the children and young people you work with, marks you out as a proper good egg!
To make it as easy as possible to get young people involved, we’ve tried to make the basic premise of The Competition as simple as possible; think of a product or idea that solves a real-world problem and make a poster to show us your thoughts. It can be anything, a sustainable solution, a problem-solving robot, maybe your students have ideas on a Classroom of the Future for your school. We have plenty of resources to get the ideas flowing and all the finer details can be found on the Key Information page.
However, despite its simplicity, The Competition can also support and enhance your core role as a teacher, a youth leader, a home educator or parent. It can help support young people’s skills development and careers aspirations. It can be used as the vehicle for exploring relevant knowledge and curriculum content or woven into other projects and programmes.

The Competition will support young people in developing those all-important essential skills in researching, investigation, teamwork, communication, problem-solving, creativity etc.
It could help underpin the Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Practical Science and, if you include relevant employer links and engagements it could support your work around the Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Career Guidance.
You could encourage young people to develop a Competition entry related to a curriculum topic, a Scouting or Girl Guiding badge or the Grand Challenges.

If your young people are already involved in the Unilever Bright Future Programmes, are completing CREST Awards, or are taking part in British Science Week, or any of the billions of other STEM competitions or activities on offer each year, then this work could be turned into an All About STEM Competition entry. Equally, it may be possible to use All About STEM Competition entries as submissions for other awards and competitions.
The possibilities are endless!
So, what are you waiting for? Join the Competition community. Sign up for our Competition Newsletter now, we can’t wait to hear from you!