EDT – STEM Enrichment
The EDT is one of the largest provider of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) enrichment activities for UK youth.
Their range of work related learning schemes provide opportunities for 11-21 year olds to enhance their technical, personal and employability skills through industry-led projects, industrial placements and specialised courses.
They help develop partnerships, build links between education and industry and help organisations reach talent and connect with young engineers and scientists across the UK.
First Edition – Hands-on STEM activity days for Year 7-11 & S1-S5 (11-16 yr old) students. Providing opportunities for under-represented groups (girls, ethnic minorities, first in family to consider higher education).
Open Industry – Curriculum focused in-company educational experiences for students of all ages.
Go4SET – Environmental themed 10 week STEM projects for Year 8/9 & S2 (12-14yr old) pupils.
Engineering Education Scheme (England & Scotland) – Real life 6 month STEM projects for Year 12 (16-17yr old) students.
Headstart – STEM experience courses at university for Year 12 & S5 (16-17yr old) students.
The Year in Industry – Paid career development work placements for students completing A levels/Scottish Highers/equivalent qualifications or as part of a university sandwich year.
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