Shaping Futures

All About STEM have partnered with Shaping Futures for many years collaborating on educational outreach. events and activities.
Shaping Futures, (also known as the Merseyside Collaborative Outreach Programme) is an outreach programme for the Liverpool City Region formed by 12 local Higher Education (HE) providers and led by the University of Liverpool. The full list of HE/FE providers which form Shaping Futures is:
Carmel College
Edge Hill University
Hugh Baird College
Liverpool Hope University
Liverpool John Moores University
The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts
The University of Chester
The City of Liverpool College
The University of Liverpool
Riverside College
University Centre St Helens
Wirral Metropolitan College
Shaping Futures is part of the national Uni Connect programme, funded by the Office for Students (OfS), which aims to boost HE participation rates in the most disadvantaged areas in England. The Uni Connect programme consists of 29 partnerships of universities, colleges and other local partners across England. Each consortia delivers targeted outreach to young people in Years 9 to 13 and providers support and signposting to schools, colleges and the wider community.
Shaping Futures has adopted an information and guidance model of delivery for schools, providing impartial HE related activities and progression advice to target learners in 43 priority schools and across partner FE/Sixth Form Colleges. The activities delivered aim to help young people understand what HE is, how to make informed choices at GCSE, post 16 and for HE, build the skills to succeed, broaden knowledge of HE industry sectors and related opportunities and support with the HE application process (including UCAS and Student Finance). Shaping Futures also operates an Outreach Hub, offering a signposting service to all secondary schools and colleges in the Liverpool City Region.
To find out more about Shaping Futures and get in touch, visit their website.
You can also live chat with the team and current students from each of their partners!
Shaping Futures on Twitter
Shaping Futures on Facebook
Shaping Futures on Instagram