STEM Club Champions: FREE Online Workshops!
All About STEM are STEM Club Champions for the Merseyside, West Cheshire, Warrington, Chester and West Lancashire areas!
As your STEM Club Champions, we will be delivering a variety of online workshops around how to manage and facilitate STEM Clubs and become a ‘successful and thriving’ STEM Club in your school.
The first workshop, ‘Getting Started’, aims to assist schools on how to start and sustain STEM subject clubs through their first 18 months. Providing valuable information that will support and guide club leaders. The workshop is open to secondary schools, Sixth Form and FE colleges across England with KS3, KS4 and KS5 provision.
We will talk you through how to use STEM Clubs as a way to benefit the student’s achievement, attainment and improve interest in STEM, but also as a way to assist in your school’s improvement plans or Gatsby Benchmark programme.
We hope this workshop will provide a way to collaborate and share ideas with other STEM Club leaders or facilitators and provides information on funding and resources for STEM Club activities.
The second workshop ‘How to be Successful and Thriving‘ will allow club leaders to gain inspiration, ideas and practical tips for developing their club, as well as an understanding of the importance of STEM Clubs and an appreciation of the vital role the STEM Club leader has in supporting and enthusing students. The workshop is open to secondary schools, Sixth Form and FE colleges across England with KS3, KS4 and KS5 provision.
Getting Started – STEM Club Workshop (Zoom)
August 3rd 2020
Click here to book
How to be Successful and Thriving – STEM Club Workshop (Zoom)
August 10th 2020
Click here to book
We have September dates available too!
For more information on these workshops, and about the STEM Clubs programme, please visit:

All About STEM works on lots of exciting STEM projects. As part of the STEM Learning family, we manage the STEM Ambassador Hub in Merseyside, Cheshire and Warrington, working closely with the regional Science Learning Partnerships in Merseyside and Warrington and Cheshire and Stockport. Follow STEM Ambassador Hub Merseyside & Cheshire on Twitter .
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