Webinar: Student-led STEM clubs and connecting with other schools
STEM Learning Webinar: Tuesday 23 February 2021, 3.30 – 4.30
Letting your students direct and drive your STEM club can give them ownership of it and therefore make them feel more invested in it’s success. Students are able to investigate what interests them and devise their own methods of enquiry.
Through leading a club, students can grow in confidence and gain communication, organisational and team-working skills. It also looks great on their application forms when it’s time to apply for further study! Students can inspire and act as role models to younger students attending the club from either the same school or local primary schools. It is also an opportunity for students to investigate the types of careers they might want to pursue.
As educators, you can learn about what interests your students and what matters to them, enabling you to better support their education and ambitions.
Join STEM Learning for their latest webinar!
“In this webinar we will discuss the benefits of student-led clubs, guide you in getting started with a student-led club, discuss how you can invite other schools to join your club and hear from teachers about their student-led clubs.”
Book here – booking closes 4pm Monday 22 Feb

All About STEM works on lots of exciting STEM projects. As part of the STEM Learning family, we manage the STEM Ambassador Hub in Merseyside, Cheshire and Warrington, working closely with the regional Science Learning Partnerships in Merseyside and Warrington and Cheshire and Stockport. Follow STEM Ambassador Hub Merseyside & Cheshire on Twitter .
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