Ages 12+: Maths Greatest Unsolved Puzzles!
The Science & Technology Facilities Council & Daresbury Laboratory have another amazing Talking Science session coming up – Maths Greatest Unsolved Puzzles!
“While mathematicians are undoubtedly brilliant, and their work is used in all kinds of amazing scientific and technological discoveries, there are still questions they can’t answer. Every mathematical question is a puzzle to be solved, and while there’ll be plenty of puzzles for you to chew on, we’ll also discuss some of the questions that still leave mathematicians stumped – from simple-sounding number and shape problems to some truly mind-bending questions.”
Presenter: Katie Steckles is a mathematician based in Manchester, who gives talks and workshops and writes about mathematics. She finished her PhD in 2011, and since then has talked about maths at universities, schools events, festivals, on BBC radio and TV, in books and on the internet.
Zoom Session: Aimed at ages 12+
Date: September 28th 2021 at 6pm

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