CREST Awards – Information Session for Primary & Secondary
Event Date: June 16 2022
If you are a primary or secondary teacher wanting to find out more about what CREST is and how you can use it in curriculum and enrichment contexts this event is for you – whether you know nothing about CREST or want to know how you can improve your pupil’s CREST submissions by utilising external resources like STEM ambassadors.
CREST Awards offer great opportunities to use STEM ambassadors as mentors, as helpers for hands-on activities and to provide context to what students are researching, from Star to Gold awards, and we will explain how to request them and provide ideas/templates to do so.
You will also hear from an experienced CREST Assessor STEM Ambassador to understand how to better prepare your students for submitting projects which are externally assessed.

As North West Regional CREST Support Organisation, All About STEM promote CREST Awards across the region and point schools & clubs to the support they need to run this amazing scheme. CREST Awards encourage students to work like scientists, researchers, engineers and designers to investigate and explore their own project ideas.
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