The STEM Clubs Quality Mark
The STEM Clubs Quality Mark is available to all UK schools and colleges, applications can be submitted throughout the academic year.
There are three levels of award: bronze, silver, and gold. Each award validates the delivery of STEM subject enrichment through a progressive tiered framework. Enabling club leaders to develop and sustain their STEM Club to the highest standard that is supportive of both students and school.
- Bronze award – available to all clubs
- Silver award – available to clubs of 12 months or more
- Gold award – available to clubs of 24 months or more
STEM Club leaders assess their current STEM Club provision against the award level criteria. Each application is reviewed by an assessor, who provides feedback and guidance to assist the club leader in meeting an award level.
Recipients of a STEM Club Quality Mark will be entitled to use their award to promote and endorse their club and school STEM enrichment provision. All awardees will receive:
- STEM Club Quality Mark authorised certificate
- STEM Club Quality Mark digital badge for the school website
- STEM Club Quality Mark digital badge for emails
In addition, gold award recipients, will be presented their award by their local STEM Enrichment Partnership and publicised through STEM Clubs social media platforms.
Click here to find out more and get involved!

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