‘Fantastic Numbers & Where to Find Them’ 16+
September 07th 2023

‘Fantastic Numbers & Where to Find Them’ 16+

Register today for the Liverpool Mathematical Society Autumn Popular Lecture, suitable for all aged 16 and above.

‘Fantastic Numbers and Where to Find Them’ by Numberphile’s Tony Padilla
Wednesday 18th October, 5pm – 6pm, Liverpool City Centre

What is the biggest number you’ve ever heard of? A trillion? A quadrillion or even a quintillion? Well, let Tony Padilla introduce you to Graham’s number, a number so large that if you thought about it the wrong way, your head would collapse into a black hole.

Inspired by his book, Fantastic Numbers and Where to Find Them, Tony will take us on a head-twisting cosmic tour, using some extraordinary numbers to explore the deepest and most fundamental truths in our universe.

As well as Graham’s Number and the curse of Black Hole Death, we will encounter a googolplex and the gigantic googolplician universe, so big that it contains exact copies of each and every one of us. And it really is an exact copy, stood somewhere far away in the cosmos, reading an abstract for a popular science talk.

This might sound like science fiction, but it’s not. It is physics at the cutting edge.

Book your FREE place here!

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