STEM Online Mentoring
Open for applications: Students can register for an online mentor and STEM Ambassadors can volunteer as mentors.
STEM Learning’s free national online mentoring scheme, in partnership with The Brightside Trust, is designed to help 13-19-year-olds explore their future career options.
They can chat online with trained and experienced STEM experts, learn more about STEM careers, ask for careers advice, consider university, apprenticeships and employment.
The programme is free to UK students and the deadline for applications is the 19th of February 2024.
STEM Ambassadors interested in becoming online mentors can find out more, watch an introductory video and apply here on STEM Ambassadors Community.
The programme will run for 10 weeks, starting on the 26th of February and finishing on the 6th of May.

All About STEM works on lots of exciting STEM projects. As part of the STEM Learning family, we are a STEM Ambassadors Partner supporting the National STEM Ambassadors Programme via the STEM Ambassadors Community.
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