Blog: GameChangers Experience of the Workplace
GameChangers Experience of the Workplace events were funded through Liverpool City Region Careers Hub and supported by All About Futures/All About STEM.
You can relive the events and find out more through the brilliant blog, ‘Life is More Fun if You Play Games‘ by Lesleyann Craig, Operational Careers Hub Lead.
The events were a phenomenal success!
We can’t wait to share all of the fantastic feedback and photographs – they’re coming soon!
Michelle Dow, Managing Director, All About Futures welcomes all to Experience of the Workplace
GameChangers Experience of the Workplace
Taking place over 3 days in June, the GameChangers Experience of the Workplace events inspired hundreds of LCR students from Year 10 and Year 12 and raised awareness of careers in the Digital and Creative Industry. Through a series of hands-on workshops, students were equipped with the further knowledge and skills to support and inspire them to choose a career in the LCR Games Industry.
Workshops were designed, delivered and supported by GameChangers partners, including Lucid Games, Ripstone, NextGen Skills, Avalanche Studios, Draw & Code, Tencent Games, Skyhook Games, d3t, vTime, Universally Speaking, Playstation, Brabners LLP and Everton in the Community.
“The LCR is home to some of the biggest games developers and publishers in the world and the Experience of the Workplace events illuminated the huge number of careers available in the industry.
Our young people need to see what is right on their doorstep and we want to equip them with the information they need to make an informed decision about their career path.
This event was the first of its kind in the region – we’ve never had so many studios and partners working together to inspire young people into games.” – Michelle Dow, All About Futures
The GameChangers Pledge was launched in September 2023, bringing together LCR Games Studios, other industry partners and community organisations with a shared commitment to develop new pathways, partnerships, funding opportunities, and best practices that will enable people in our region to realise their talents in the gaming industry sector.
Studios, universities, colleges, charitable organisations and industry bodies in the Liverpool City Region can pledge support and join GameChangers here.

All About Futures (All About STEM) partner with the Combined Authority’s Liverpool City Region Careers Hub to support the work of the Careers and Enterprise Company.
“Connecting schools and colleges with employers and careers program providers, to create meaningful encounters for pupils with the world of work.”
LCR Employer Network
LCR Careers Hub
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority
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