Classroom Medics
Classroom Medics visit schools across the UK with exciting hands on workshops that bring real medical and sports science equipment into the classroom for pupils to use. The whole aim of Classroom Medics workshops is to inspire the next generation of health scientists as well as to help pupils make more informed decisions about their career aspirations. They are of course lots of fun as well!
Examples of their activities include:
Medical Science Activities:
- Meet Stan the patient simulator to diagnose different conditions. If you are not aware of what a patient simulator is, they are life size human manikins that have a heart beat, they breath, have a pulse, they sweat, cry, bleed and talk. The pupils can give drugs to the simulator (on a computer of course!) and monitor Stan’s vital signs, live on his body or on his patient monitor.
- Use a real needle to take fake blood from Andy the injection arm
- Practice stitching and suturing fake skin (NEW for January 2012)
- Record an ECG from their heart and calculate the angle of their heart in their chest
- Use a video otoscope to video their ear drum
- See what they will look like when they are 72 with our age progression photography
Sports Science Activities
- The Accelerator – This is a 10-20m strip of LED lights that light up in sequence at the speed that Usain Bolt runs. Pupils can chase after these to see how good he really is as they sprint after the lights.
- See where they would finish if they were taking part in Usain Bolts 100m World Record Race in 2009
- Experience using starting blocks and record reaction times to the starters signal
- Calculate running speed, power and horse power output to compare themselves to a car
- Record ball throwing / kicking speed with our speed laser
- Assess hand eye coordination with our BATAK wall
You can also subscribe to free science resources that are provided to schools every month. The founder of Classroom Medics, Tom Warrender, puts himself through all sorts of medical and sporting tests all in the name of science!
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