Engineering UK 2015: The State of Engineering
Engineering UK 2015 The State of Engineering is now available for digital download. This is a fantastic reference document for all things related to Engineering Careers, Schools and Higher/Further Education.
There are two overriding messages from the report. Firstly, that engineering and skilled engineers make a vital and valued contribution to the UK economy, £455.6 billion to UK GDP in 2014 (and look set to continue to do so) and that they help mitigate the grand global challenges of climate change, ageing populations, food, clean water and energy. Secondly, that the UK at all levels of education does not have either the current capacity or the required rate of growth needed to meet the forecast demand for skilled engineers by 2022.
The good news is that engineering enterprises have the potential to generate an additional £27billion per year from 2022 which is equivalent to the cost of building 1,800 secondary schools or 110 new hospitals. If the UK is to benefit economically from this, the forecasted demand for new vacancies in engineering must be met in the same timescale.
Electronic copies of the full report, the report synopsis and associated infographic can be found at:
Vince Cable, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills commends the flagship report in his foreword; ‘The Engineering UK Report continues to provide a valuable annual update on the state of the engineering sector. It reminds us of the talent our country possesses, the opportunities for economic growth, and the challenges we need to overcome if we are to realise this potential.
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