It Makes You Think

It Makes You Think

Young people engage best with science that touches their own lives, for example in relation to food, health and public debates. Increasingly, their lives are linked with global issues and with people in other parts of the world, and science can help to make sense of this interdependence.

It Makes You Think resources aim to engage young people with some of the global issues which are increasingly relevant to them, and to equip teachers to facilitate their learning and engagement with such issues.

It Makes You Think is one outcome of the ASE’s three year Global Dimension to Science project which was developed in partnership with Tide ~ global learning and funded by the Department for International Development. The website provides resources and lessons on ten topics which illustrate science in a variety of global dimensions. The topics include clinical trials, mobile phones and world fisheries.

It Makes You Think can help you fulfil the spirit of the recent curriculum changes at KS3 and KS4, so that science education contributes to sustainable schools, as well as global awareness and citizenship.

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