School or Home Vegetable Garden? Take part in the RHS Big Soup Share!
August 08th 2018

School or Home Vegetable Garden? Take part in the RHS Big Soup Share!

The Royal Horticultural Society is making the Big Soup Share an annual event! A fantastic idea for home or school gardeners and a heartfelt sharing experience for all. 

In 2017, Campaign for School Gardening members served over 57,000 portions of soup all over the country. The RHS are inviting you to host an event this October and see if they can beat last year’s record.

What is The Big Soup Share?

This is a chance to celebrate the work you do in your garden by harvesting your crops, whizzing them up into a delicious soup and sharing it with others. You may wish to share your soup with your school or group, or hold a big event and invite family, friends and members of your local community.

When can we host an event?

Your Big Soup Share event should take place on any day between Monday 8 – Sunday 14 October 2018. It can last a lunchtime, a whole day, an evening – whatever you like! You might even decide to host a whole week full of tasty meals and activities.

How can we take part?

To take part in The Big Soup Share 2018, click here and fill out the registration form.

If you’re based in the UK, you will receive a free resource pack towards the end of September, so that it reaches you in time for your event. The pack will include lots of goodies including new soup recipes, event posters, stickers and tips on how to run an event and involve the community.

If you live further afield you’ll still be able to take part using downloadable resources.



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