Global Entrepreneurship Week: CREST & STEM Learning Resources
Celebrate Global Entrepreneurship Week with an Enterprise Day or session using fantastic resources from CREST & STEM Learning!
During GEW, thousands of events and competitions in 170 countries encourage millions to engage in entrepreneurial activity. Below you can find numerous activities & projects that will inspire your students to create their own school business.
CREST is a scheme that inspires young people to think and behave like scientists and engineers. There are many ways to run CREST with your students and so many fantastic activities.
Make your own Fizzy Drink
Bath Bomb Challenge
Make a Wooden Pendant
Make your own Toothpaste
How Steady is your Hand?
The Ultimate Pizza Box
Make & Test Ceramic Jewellery
Make your own Lipstick
Make your own Tea Bag
Make a Skateboard
The Perfect Colour Lipstick
Design the Ultimate Toothbrush
STEM Learning have CPD, ideas & an enormous library of resources and activities, click here for more.
Enterprise – This Nuffield Working with Science unit shows students how to plan, fund, carry out and complete their own enterprise to make money.
Enterprise Trading Game
Video – BP Oil Trading Game
Fishy Business
Design a sea-life attraction and consider build, budget, safety, service & costs.
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