CREST Awards: Become a CREST Assessor
Would you like to become a CREST Assessor?
CREST Awards are assessed by trained STEM professionals. They are from a range of backgrounds and have expertise in various subjects. The role is perfect for qualified STEM ambassadors too.
About CREST:
The CREST Awards scheme is the British Science Association’s flagship programme for young people, providing science project-based enrichment activities to inspire and engage 5 to 19-year olds. It is the only nationally recognised accreditation scheme for project-based work in STEM subjects.
The students have complete ownership of their projects – choosing the topic they want to investigate and deciding how they want to carry out and present their project.
About the role:
You will help develop students’ interest and attitudes towards science, along with their scientific and project skills, by assessing students’ projects via our online platform, providing constructive feedback and encouragement. Often, project assessment is the first-time students’ work is seen by someone other than their parents or teachers. They highly value the opportunity to share their work with someone with expertise or a career in the STEM sector.
This can be a paid opportunity with assessors being paid £4 per Silver Award assessment and £6 per Gold Award assessment.
However, you also can support the activities of the British Science Association by carrying out this role on a voluntary basis, which makes it a perfect opportunity for STEM Ambassador volunteers – an activity you can do from the comfort of your own home!
If you choose to take part, you will be assessing up to five hours per month. This equates to assessing up to ten Silver Awards, or six Gold Awards per month or a combination thereof. This is completely subject to your availability and is totally flexible based on your schedule.
Full CREST assessor training is provided.
Take a look at the CREST Assessor training course video.
If you live in the North West you can email [email protected] for further information.
Visit the CREST Awards section of our website
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