Home & School Learning: STEM/STEAM Resources Collection 37
We know teachers & parents are always surfing the web looking for fun, interesting activities for their children, so we’re sharing our Inspiration Stations to help.
Each Inspiration Station is packed with home & school resources, videos, virtual tours, projects, awards and more! There are 60+ collections with over 2000 ideas!
You can also find activities to promote positivity, mindfulness and exercise.
Science – Technology – Engineering – Art – Maths – Mind – Body – Enjoy!

- Make a balloon hum & scream!
Science Girl Home Lab shows you how.
(Adult supervision required)
Make objects completely disappear with refraction!
All you need is vegetable oil, water and different sized glasses… this is so much fun.
- Design your own science experiment
Can you think of a STEMsational experiment that your classmates can complete at home? Why not create your own worksheet with diagrams. Don’t forget to tag us at @allaboutstem if you have a go at any activities, we’d love to share them!

- Take a Simple Machines Challenge!
Quick videos with design & make activities.
- Coding: Scratch Month
Two new awesome online activities to celebrate #ScratchMonth!
- Dazzling Discoveries:
Make a Smartphone Stand Challenge

- EiE: Engineering as a Family
Activity Books & Online Games
- Practical Action: Wind Power Challenge
Make a wind turbine!
You can work towards a CREST award by completing this activity.
- FABLAB: STEAM Energizers!
Simple Machines Activities

Today’s focus: Space!
Have you been inspired by the NASA SpaceX Launch?
Here’s a selection of creative activities to enjoy!
- Moon:
Make a moon watch flip book.
See the stages of the moon then get animating with these resources.
- European Space Agency:
Build your own Cheops Spacecraft
- Want to learn more about the moon mission? Click here…

- STEM Learning: Maths Calendar (9-14)
A step-by-step schedule for maths at home with resources!
- Zorbits Home Math Learning Kits
All home learning packs are here.
We love Holly Baker’s Mathematical Cookbook take a look at the video.
- Zorbits Daily Maths Calendar
Daily family 5 minute maths challenges
- MathsFrame:
Online Games & iPad apps

- Bubble Breathing for Children

- Printable Fitness Bingo
Can you complete the exercises and get a full house!
- Beginner Yoga for Older Children
Don’t forget to follow @AllAboutSTEM on Twitter & Facebook for more.
You can tag us in your home or school project photos, we’d love to share them and celebrate your activities!
Team All About STEM
All About STEM is making it happen across the North West. We work on lots of different projects to bring exciting Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics to schools across the region, linking them with business and industry expert volunteers inspiring the next generation of STEM specialists.
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