STEM Learning: Climate Change Teacher Conference
The STEM Learning Climate Change Teacher Conference (CCTC) is a new, live streamed event for Primary and Secondary educators. Organised by STEM Learning and supported by the Climate Change Educational Partnership, the conference aims to support the teaching of STEM subjects and enrichment activities using climate change as a context.
Monday 24th May – Thursday 27th May (4pm – 6pm daily)
Each day will consist of twilight sessions from 4pm until 6pm.
Daily twilight sessions
The daily itinerary will feature:
- Welcome and introduction: covering the aims of the conference; an overview of Climate Change Educational Partnership (CCEP) and its members; the support and resources already available; introduction to the day’s speakers and sessions.
- Twilight Talk: live-streamed presentation by a leading expert on the theme of the day, sharing their knowledge, unveiling cutting-edge research and their hope of what can be achieved for the future, followed by a Q&A.
- Twilight Forum: an educational research focused session, format options to include webinars, case study sessions, panel discussions on the theme of the day. The conversation will carry on in the STEM Community where educators can discuss best practice in the delivery of climate change topics in STEM teaching.
- Twilight close: round up of the day’s sessions; further daily themes and sessions; highlighting continued support from the CCEP.
Four themes over four days
- What is climate change, what’s causing it and evidence of climate change
- Climate change models and predictions
- Adapting and mitigating for climate change
- Making a difference: what can we do as individuals and what projects can students get involved in
Climate Change Educational Partnership

All About STEM works on lots of exciting STEM projects. As part of the STEM Learning family, we manage the STEM Ambassador Hub in Merseyside, Cheshire and Warrington, working closely with the regional Science Learning Partnerships in Merseyside and Warrington and Cheshire and Stockport. Follow STEM Ambassador Hub Merseyside & Cheshire on Twitter .
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