This is Engineering Day
This is Engineering Day celebrates the work of engineers in the world around us.
This year, This is Engineering Day lands on the 3rd of November at the start of COP26. COP26 is the United Nations Climate Change Conference. It is a chance for all UN countries to agree on how to tackle climate change as more than 190 world leaders will set goals for 2050.
Meeting the COP26 ambition of making the world net-zero by 2050 will affect us all. From how we build our houses and cities to how we travel around, our future daily lives will be shaped by engineers and engineering.
“What will a net zero world look like in 2050 and how are engineers part of the picture?”
This is Engineering has reworked 18th and 19th century artworks to imagine a net-zero carbon future shaped by engineering.
“Painters such as Constable, Monet, Pissarro, and Van Gogh first made their marks in the art world during the industrial revolution. While this era drove economic benefits and improvements in living standards for many, we now know that it triggered the start of rising carbon emissions leading to global warming.
Ahead of COP26, masterpieces by these iconic artists have been reimagined to inspire conversations about the kinds of engineering advances that could help to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050.”
Visit the reimagined artworks in the Museum of Engineering Innovation.
This is Engineering want to inspire learners with their Engineer the Future exhibition:
“We want to hear what you think a net zero future, shaped by engineers, will look like. Tell us on Twitter using #EngineerTheFuture #ThisisEngineeringDay and tagging @ThisisEng and we’ll pick out the most inspiring suggestions to reflect in a fifth painting in our Engineer the Future Exhibition.”
More from This is Engineering:
Visit The Museum of Engineering Innovation and celebrate the often-unseen engineering that is all around us and the engineers that are making a difference in our everyday lives.
The Public Image Library helps counter negatively stereotyped imagery. The image library is free and provides diverse imagery that can be used online and in publications to show the multiple sides and faces to engineering.
Please show your support on social media to help celebrate engineers and how they make a difference in the world using #ThisisEngineeringDay #EngineerTheFuture and tagging @ThisisEng.
This is Engineering Day is supporting Tomorrow’s Engineers Week.

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