Teacher CPD: STEM Clubs Bitesized
Local STEM Enrichment Partnerships across England are delivering free STEM Club workshops for state-maintained secondary schools and FE colleges. STEM Clubs are supportive of Gatsby Benchmark 4 and provide ideal opportunities through club engagements to support Benchmarks 1, 3, 5 and 7.
Are you a secondary school teacher looking to plan a STEM Club in the new school year?
Join us for the online CPD sessions below.

The workshop helps secondary schools to start a STEM club for students and sustain it across its first eighteen months.
This workshop will assist both new and inexperienced club leaders to start and sustain STEM clubs by providing valuable information and best practice hints and tips. During the workshop participants will learn how to identify club objectives, engage senior leadership plan activities, and recruit club members. By the end of the workshop, you will know how to draft a club objectives proposal to take to senior management and planned six weeks’ worth of STEM club activities.
19th Sept, 12.30-13.30
12th Oct, 12.30-13.30

Bitesized Embedding Careers Support in a STEM Club
This workshop is for STEM club leaders looking to add value to their club and support students understanding and knowledge of STEM careers and associated employability skills.
The workshop’s aim is to encourage both new and inexperienced club leaders to embed careers awareness and expand students’ essential skill sets so that the club is supportive of the school’s career plan. During the workshop club leaders will learn how to identify careers links within activities and projects, how to utilise STEM Ambassadors, engage with local companies, recognise when Gatsby Benchmarks are being supported and how to support students use of employability skills. By the end of the workshop, participants will know how to create a six-week plan to embed careers support within club sessions, identifying which Gatsby Benchmarks are supported and which employability skills will be supported.
29th Sept, 16.00-17.00
27th Oct, 16.00-17.00

All About STEM works on lots of exciting STEM projects. As part of the STEM Learning family, we manage the STEM Ambassador Hub in Merseyside, Cheshire and Warrington, working closely with the regional Science Learning Partnerships in Merseyside and Warrington and Cheshire and Stockport.
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