Primary: Mission to the Moon – ESERO UK
September 05th 2023

Primary: Mission to the Moon – ESERO UK

This collection of ESERO activities, investigations and games is based on current lunar research. It supports many aspects of working scientifically and links to areas of the curriculum including earth and space, light and shadows, forces, materials, changes of state and rocks and soils.

Projects can be used individually using a mission to the moon as a context for science learning, or as part of a STEM club or science week.

Click here for Mission to the Moon & more ESERO UK resources

ESA Primary Astronaut Logbook
Mission X: Train like an astronaut
ESERO Primary: ISS Education Kit
Space Education Quality Mark
Space: 6 Week STEM Club Resources

All About STEM works on lots of exciting STEM projects. As part of the STEM Learning family, we are a STEM Ambassadors Partner supporting the National STEM Ambassadors Programme via the STEM Ambassadors Community.

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