STEM Community for Educators & STEM Ambassadors
Educators and STEM Ambassadors can access STEM Learning’s free Community platform to connect with peers, find resources, discuss best practice and share ideas.
STEM Ambassadors Community
STEM Ambassadors can join the STEM Ambassadors Community to collaborate, ask for advice and discover new ways to inspire young people with other volunteers, wherever they are in the UK. Access to the STEM Ambassadors Training Hub is included along with resources, online CPD, top tips and more.
STEM Community
If you’re a primary or secondary STEM teacher or technician, you can join STEM Community and build a supportive network, offer problem-solving solutions and share your own professional experiences with others.
The platform is an easy way to network, find resources, ask questions and see what’s happening in your community – no matter where you are.
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STEM Ambassadors can inspire your learners!
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All About STEM works on lots of exciting STEM projects. As part of the STEM Learning family, we are a STEM Ambassadors Partner supporting the National STEM Ambassadors Programme via the STEM Ambassadors Community.
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