Discover your Science Learning Partnership!
As the STEM Ambassador Hub for Merseyside & Cheshire we are part of the National STEM Learning Network, which also includes Science Learning Partnerships (SLPs).
We work in partnership with the local Science Learning Partnerships (SLPs) for Merseyside and Warrington and Cheshire and Stockport.
SLPs combine local expertise in teaching and learning in science, facilitating CPD, and providing school-to-school support. They can help you to develop the teaching of science in your school through scheduled CPD or bespoke support tailored to the needs of you and your staff. Click their website links above to view their current offering, or follow your local SLPs on Twitter @SLP_Merseyside and @SLP_EatonBank.
In addition, we pride ourselves on providing a wide-range of information and support to schools about events, resources, funding etc. through our Schools STEM Advisory Network & the STEM Clubs programme.
Follow STEM Ambassador Hub Merseyside & Cheshire on Twitter here.
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