Big Bang North West 2019 – Be a Volunteer!
This year’s Big Bang North West will take place at the Exhibition Centre Liverpool on 2nd July 2019. Our exhibitors, sponsors and presenters are planning lots of exciting and inspirational hands-on activities & shows. It’s shaping up to be an amazing event!
However, the day wouldn’t be half as successful without the team of fantastic volunteers who give up their time to help support the event. We’re looking for enthusiastic and committed individuals to come and be part of the team that will deliver the Big Bang North West 2019.
We ask that all volunteers are over 18 and, ideally, have a relevant DBS certificate. This a perfect role for STEM Ambassadors and could also make a great company volunteering day for a group of staff.
There are various roles available:
Role 1: General Volunteers
General Volunteers will provide a range of support for the event by helping with:
- stewarding
- staffing the Info Point
- providing general information & direction to visitors
- supporting visitors in engaging with the activities
- supporting the arrival & departure of visitors to the site
Our General Volunteers are the backbone of our event. They are the front-facing, tone-setting, atmosphere-creating stars of the show! They are our foot soldiers and our first line of defence! They play a crucial role in ensuring our visitors experience an inspiring, safe and smoothly-run event. As a General Volunteer, you’ll get to experience the Show Floor but you’ll also need to be willing to do some less inspiring jobs like queue management too! Don’t worry though, our volunteer rota will ensure that you get a mix of experiences throughout the day. Wear comfortable shoes and get a good night’s sleep the day before; it’s busy, busy, busy!
Ideally, General Volunteers will need to be available from 8.00am until 4pm. However, there is also the possibility of a morning (8:00am – 1pm) or an afternoon session (11:00am-4pm) with additional extra shifts for any available early birds or late stays! Early morning support for exhibitor registration and set-up is always gratefully received.
There will be a choice of two Volunteer Training sessions. Those who have previously volunteered, as General Volunteers, at the ECL event are welcome to attend but it is not compulsory. Volunteers new to the role are requested to please attend one of the sessions, which will take place on Wednesday 12th June 16:30-18:30hrs or Sat 15th June 10:00-12:00hrs at The Shed, Unit 51, Baltic Creative Campus, 49 Jamaica Street, Liverpool, L1 0AH.
Click to complete our online GENERAL VOLUNTEER application form.
Role 2: Registration Team Volunteers
Registration Team Volunteers will be responsible for dealing with the arrival of exhibitors and visitors. If you’re an early-bird, enjoy a bit of spreadsheet admin and could welcome our visitors with a smile despite working under pressure, this is the role for you! You’ll be needed between 7am – 2pm, though there will be a bit of down-time during this period. You’ll be working in pairs so it’s a nice role for a couple of friends!
With so many visitors, registration is always busy. We’re looking for some super volunteers to help us manage this challenge!
Your role on the registration desk will be to:
- mark the arrival of exhibitors, schools, competition entrants and VIP guests
- provide visitors with security wristbands/lanyards
- direct exhibitors to their stand number
- provide relevant information to the various categories of attendee
- work really quickly to get everyone one into the event as soon as possible!
Training will be provided prior to the event, for all Registration Team volunteers, even if they have done the role in the past. Processes may be slightly different and it is important that volunteers feel confident about what they will need to do. There’s not always much time for the All About STEM team to go through things on the day before attendees start arriving. There are two sessions to choose from, either Wednesday 12th June 16:30-18:30hrs or Sat 15th June 10:00-12:00hrs at The Shed, Unit 51, Baltic Creative Campus, 49 Jamaica Street, Liverpool, L1 0AH.
Click to complete our online REGISTRATION TEAM application form.
Role 3: Competition Judges
We are also recruiting Competition Judges to support the Big Bang Competition. We’re looking for experts from across a range of disciplines, to judge students’ project work that will be being exhibited on the day. If this is something you would like to help with, please contact [email protected]
Lunch will be provided on the day for General Volunteers, the Registration Team and Judges but, unfortunately we are unable to provide travel/parking expenses.
The Big Bang North West 2018: 7000 school children celebrate STEM!
Metro Mayor Opens Big Bang Competition Awards Ceremony – Winners Announced!
Big Bang North West & AstraZeneca celebrate 5 years of STEM inspiration for schools!
The Big Bang North West 2018: Your AMAZING Feedback!
The Big Bang North West 2018: Official Gallery
The Big Bang North West 2018: LIVE Twitter Gallery
The Big Bang North West 2018: Big Bang UK Competition Projects
The Big Bang North West 2018: Behind the Scenes
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