BLOODHOUND Desert Wheels Design & Technology Challenge
The BLOODHOUND Desert Wheels Design & Technology Challenge is for Years 3-6, working in teams of up to four and covers a wide area of the D&T curriculum.
Students can make their own aluminium wheels using simple tools, test their designs, then adapt and improve them. They can also record their findings in a poster and 3-minute video diary.
“This competition gives young people an opportunity to take on the role of engineers by designing their own wheels using recycled aluminium, and solving the challenges involved in a running a World Land Speed Record car across the desert. This 5-hour project can be run as an activity day or several sessions in the classroom. The competition comes with a comprehensive teacher pack which gives all the information and advice you will need.
Get your whole class involved by registering them now. All schools, clubs and groups that register will receive a BLOODHOUND poster and a certificate, plus a team certificate template that they can use for each of their teams.
Submit your best team’s project to us for judging and the chance to see BLOODHOUND SSC as well as win a Rocket Car workshop day at their school, club or group.”
Closing date for competition entries is 1st March 2019.
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