National Careers Week 2019: Resources & Ideas!
National Careers Week (NCW) is a celebration of careers guidance and free resources in education across the UK.
The aim is to provide a focus for careers guidance activity at an important stage in the academic calendar to help support young people leaving education.
Careers Week encourages education providers to bring together students, local employers and advisers through careers events and activities. During National Careers Week it is up to every school, academy and college to offer careers advice and guidance to their students.
The easiest way to support the Week is to do so on social media and encourage everyone you know to do the same with #NCW2019. Share your activities, photographs and ideas!
The National Careers Week website can help via free resources, information on current career opportunities and advice on activities and exercises to run.
Download resources in preparation for NCW
National Careers Week: Case Studies
National Careers Week: Inspirational Quotes
Blog: Help young people choose a career path
Blog: What does the future hold?
10 Reasons to Prioritise Career Education
Top 10 Career Discussion Topics
Developing Careers Work Toolkit
Last year services provided to students during National Careers Week included daily drop-in workshops; careers fairs; employer visits; focus on subject relevant careers in lessons and showing careers films.
All About STEM are out and about promoting National Apprenticeship Week & National Careers Week, click here to find out more…

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