School Grants Scheme – Institute of Physics, IET & STFC
March 29th 2019

School Grants Scheme – Institute of Physics, IET & STFC

Schools, colleges and home school groups based in the UK and Ireland can apply for a school grant of up to £600. Grants are awarded for projects, events and activities linked with the promotion of physics and engineering.

Perfect for STEM Clubs or CREST Awards!

In order for an application to be eligible for a school grant it must:
– Be submitted by a school, college or home school group based in the UK or Ireland
– Be completed and submitted by the applicant and not by a 3rd party provider
– Be unique and applicable to the school/college or home school group. Cloned or copied applications will be rejected
– Be for costs associated with a new project. Costs relating to sustaining an existing project or for funding a repeat application are not eligible.

Click here for additional terms, application tips and to apply.


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Selena Ledgerton Selena Ledgerton
Selena Ledgerton Web, Media & Marketing Manager e: [email protected]